How Do I Sign Up for Intermediate and ABOVE Pole Exercises Classes?

To sign up for Intermediate Pole you must have taken at least one 8-week term of Beginner Pole. If you have prior pole experience please contact Beginner Pole is where you get acclimated with pole and learn the key stepping stones to start your pole journey.

Things the Instructors look for to clear you from Intermediate Pole to Advanced 1 Pole.

1. Seated climb to the top of the pole with control and lowering back down the pole with control.

2. Closed grip knee tucks where your knees touch your elbows without losing your closed grip engagement (we use this to invert).

3. Fireman climb to closed grip pencil knee tucks and holding the closed grip without releasing out of your engagement.

4. A strong shipshead to showgirl/scissors. This shows us that your inner thigh/adductor strength will be ready for layback inverts.

5. Side climb to the top of the pole tells us you have a strong knee pit engagement for leg hangs and inverts.

6. Mentally and emotionally ready to go upside down.

Advanced 1 Pole to Advanced 2 Pole fill in the entire front side of your Advanced 1 Pole card. All of the spotted moves must be cleared on both sides. Only moves that do not need to be cleared are Twisted Overhead V and Caterpillar climb. All of the other spotted inverts are the basic moves that we use in the Advanced 2 Pole combos.

Advanced 2 Pole to Extreme you must have the required combos on your Advanced 2 Pole card marked as proficient on both sides.

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