What Should I Bring?

For all classes, bring a water bottle. You're going to get a workout in when you come to a class at Aerial Dance. Depending on the type of class you're taking, you may want to bring a few other things...

Pole Classes
Wear shorts and a tank top for pole classes. You are welcome to bring grip aids for pole classes. We also offer different grip aids to test and for purchase at the studio.

Aerial Classes
Wear leggings and a workout top for Aerial classes. You may want to bring a form fitting, long sleeve shirt for poses that may need arm coverage. Pine rosin spray is available for grip aid at each studio, but you are welcome to bring your own.

Dance Classes
Bring shorts and leggings for these classes as the grip or slide needed can vary class-to-class.

Knee pads are highly suggested for Pole Flow and Floor Flow. We offer knee pads to rent at each studio for $5.

Fitness Classes
Bring shorts and leggings for these classes as the format changes between every class you take, so you may be more comfortable in either depending on the class

Flexibility Classes
Wear or bring layers for these classes to keep muscles warm.

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