Purchasing a Pole for Home

In ALL of the Pole studios at Aerial Dance you will find Lupit Studio Poles, the Champion series. The poles are 45mm and stainless steel. Our poles are permanently mounted to the ceiling and the floor. All of our studio poles are a single piece.

If you are looking to purchase a home pole, we recommend the Lupit Brand poles because their engineering is simply the best on the market. Their home pole option, call the Lupit Classic G2 is a good non-permanent option. The quick lock version is most similar to the version we have in the studio but the standard lock is ok to purchase if you prefer.

When shopping on the Lupit website, use the discount code ADPOLE and receive a savings!

At the studio, all our poles are stainless steel because that finish holds up the best over frequent use AND it doesn't have allergy concerns. It is also easy to maintain with alcohol and microfiber towels. If you are not allergic to nickel or any other metal, a chrome pole is ok for home use; chrome is usually "grippier" than stainless. Brass is excellent for grip but takes a lot more up-keep. The downside of purchasing a different finish for your home pole is then you'll get to the studio and things will feel different so purchase stainless if you want it most similar to the studio in terms of feel.

Important to remember, any pole that isn't permanently drilled in can come down! Yes, even a good home pole has the potential to fall. When you install your home pole, make sure it is LEVEL and follow all the instructions from the manufacturer. Hot Tip: draw a circle around the top mount so if it shifts at ALL you can see it and fix it before it comes down. ALWAYS CHECK YOUR POLE BEFORE USING.

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